When the year started I was looking to attend to React Summit in Amsterdam. So I was super happy to hear that they were doing a remote edition. Woke up at 5:30 am to attend and it was totally worth it! Specially the workout break!!!
Let me show you some of the highlights:
Guillermo Rauch showed us how NextJS has been moving towards a JAMStack to enable modern sites to be closer the the edge. Under the premise that everything that could be static should be static following this approach we can leverage CDN networks to serve our sites closer to our users. He also shared some amazing thoughts on how in 2020 NextJS is focusing more into integrating PWA concepts into features as for example offline first pages. Some links I found after the talk:
Vladim Novick showed us how we can start building the apps of the future today. He did a demo on how we can leverage current technologies (VR, AR, web bluetooth and brainwave devices) to fly a quadcopter with you mind! And he also promised to start some tutorials in his egghead channel
A quick snapshot of the code he showed:
I am looking forward to get one of those devices and start making some side projects.
Based on a blog post from Sandi Metz (The wrong abstraction) Kent C. Dodds presented a new pattern he has been promoting for a while: AHA (Avoid Hasty Abstractions). He basically showed us why sometimes by trying to be DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) we end up with complex solutions that are harder to maintain.
DRY/WET (Write Everything Twice) are not necessarily a bad thing. It is always a tradeoff, so it is better to start copying until the right abstractions emerge.
You can never tell how something will evolve, so always optimize for change.
Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.
Refactor when code gets out of hand. Based on Sandi Metz, you can follow some simple steps to achieve this:
Never hesitate to remove code that is only being used in a test case (and it does not have a business case)
Jason Gene explained how they created Nx to allow Mono Repository development to scale.
Mono repos simplify development by making all the code available
It does not mean you need to build or deploy everything at once. It is only storage that is shared
Usually requires more tooling to enable the workflows. NX provides those:
Mono Repositories simplify some workflows, specially sharing code and testing dependencies
Elizabet Oliveira explained how in her experience being a designer that knows code helped her collaborate better with developers. She showed the design library they use at their work and explained how she approaches working with developers:
Tanner Linsley gave some insight on common issues with state management. His main focus was client state vs server state and also used that opportunity for a shameless plug: How using react-query
you can avoid most of these issues.
Client state is all the data that is usually not persisted or depends on a session while server state is all the data that is not managed by client and usually persisted.
Managing server state globally is usually tempting, as it is easy to share across and avoid prop drilling. But it can be more dangerous than it looks.
Some challenges when managing server state are:
React-query library. It has similar feature than for example Apollo Client
but does not depend on Apollo
as it could be used with Rest
or any other data layer.
At the end there were some quick light talks, with super interesting topics to keep exploring.
Matt McClure explained the difference between chat and live streaming, showed how you can setup a livestream web application almost without a server.
Jen Luker showed why it is important to leverage HTML tags properly to be accessible first. She showed how you can make a button with <button>
vs making it a <div>
with and how that code gets out of hand when trying to make it accessible.
Here is the full example of everything required if you don’t use proper semantic tags:
import React from 'react'
import '../App.css'
const allowedKeys = ['Enter', 'Space']
const DivButton = ({ hideText, setHideText }) => {
return (
onClick={() => setHideText(!hideText)}
onKeyPress={e => {
allowedKeys.indexOf(e?.code) > -1 &&
// Did you forget about this? I forgot about this.
display: 'inline-block',
textAlign: 'center',
color: 'buttontext', // this is a thing?
borderRadius: 2, // so tiny, so cute
backgroundColor: '#EFEFEF', // The 2000's called...
boxSizing: 'border-box', // #love
padding: '1px 7px', // huh. 7px. Not my first guess.
border: '1px outset #767676', // random, but okay
cursor: 'pointer' // iOS: "No pointer? no clicky."
I am a div
export default DivButton
Check the full example in her Github
Mike Hartington explained how they decided to start supporting React in Ionic.
Ionic is a framework to develop hybrid applications. It allows to maintain one source code and deliver apps across native and web platforms.
Uri Goldsthein showed how by using GraphQL Mesh framework we can quickly integrate systems together. In simple words GQL Mesh provides connectors to multiple interfaces allowing to build an adapter layer that will quickly enable exposing APIs from any service. It also allows both schema stitching and federation.
Some resources:
Also, I loved the diagrams and graphics he used in his presentation (like the one above). I am planning to create some templates to build similar looking diagrams for my projects!
It was a super fun conference, I am looking forward to try some of the things I learned, and hoping to share some projects soon.
Catch up with me on X (twitter):@juan_allo
@2025 Juan Manuel Allo Ron. All Rights reserved