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CSS Flexbox guide

Apr 6, 2017
Flexbox helps to solve some of the major problems when working with CSS. Here is a cheatsheet that provides a glance of everything you can do with it.

Free UX Design Books

Jan 2, 2017
I just came across with a link to some O’Reilly UX design books. They are free and look very promising. I am starting to read Experience Design!!
A customer Journey workflow with 5 main steps: Buy, Purchase, Own, Love, Advocate

Customer Journey Framework

Sep 13, 2016
In the age of the customer and the increased market for selling experiences rather than sole services, it is really important to understand the journey users will follow.


Nov 30, 2015
“Great microinteractions design requires understanding the people who use the product, what they are trying to accomplish, and steps they need to take.” Microinteractions by Dan Saffer (O’Reilly) 

Teach Object Oriented Programming, the Steve Jobs way

Nov 9, 2015
A quote from Steve Jobs on Object Oriented Programming

Programmers, coders...

Oct 9, 2015
The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he [sic] alone is responsible. Universes of virtually unlimited complexity can be created in the form of computer programs. Joseph Weizen

UX Magazine

Jun 8, 2015
I am a fan reader of blogs and different RSS sources, I have a long list of blogs in Feedly and I use Flipboard everyday to read different types of news, but most of them about UX.
Design Project Structure

Design Project Organized

Jun 2, 2015
A cheat-sheet that explains the different concepts and how the design project should be structured.

Robert Fabricant Quote

May 24, 2015
Visual Alphabet elements

Visual Alphabet

Nov 10, 2014
Sketching and doodling have an important role in UX designer day to day tasks. But a UX guy doesn’t need to be a visual designer, so if you are starting in the UX world don’t be afraid;

How to measure design effectiveness

Nov 5, 2014
I found a method that seems to be very useful to test how effective an user interface is. The exercise is just about taking your design with a collection of words that convey positive, negative or neutral feelings and share it with others, so they can choose which words spring to their minds when looking at the design.

Design is a Process

Oct 28, 2014
Design is a process – an intimate collaboration between engineers, designers, and clients.
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