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Weekly Digest #11: On technical Interviews

May 31, 2020
Technical interviews are not a walk in the park! There are a lot of steps, challenges and pressure in a super competitive market. On the other hand, you should not be scared of the process…
An image showing the output of the command man z

Tip: use Z

May 28, 2020
Aren’t you tired of always typing the same routes in the terminal? When I found z it changed my productivity. What’s z? A terminal command to help you quickly navigate across directories…
Image Slideshow example

Lazy loading images with Intersection Observer

May 26, 2020
Images play a huge role in loading performance. Websites loading tons of images upfront can be paying a high price in terms of user experience…

Weekly Digest #10: On Remix, Snowpack, Rome and Web-vitals

May 24, 2020
The never ending flow of innovation is what I love about the web. There are so many great ideas! In the past few months a lot of innovation happened and in this weekly digest I want to share the most important ones.

Tip: Run a simple server with Python

May 21, 2020
I used this all the time! When you want to quickly serve a website or a page, or even mock a quick API, you can use python to start a server
React Logo

Learning Path: Getting started with React

May 19, 2020
In this post I want to share some resources that helped me learn React and I hope they are useful for anyone starting out there.

Weekly Digest #9: Everything you need to know about Deno

May 17, 2020
Deno is a new ECMAScript based runtime (like NodeJS) created by Ryan Dahl (who also created NodeJS)

Tip: list NPM scripts

May 14, 2020
In this quick-tip I will show you how to list scripts from the terminal
VirtualBox UI screenshot

Debugging IE11 with VirtualBox

May 12, 2020
A quick setup with virtualbox to test IE11

Weekly Digest #8: On building games

May 10, 2020
Today, I want to share a list of resources I have been bookmarking to help me develop games.
Side to side visual differences between the command cat and bat

Tip: Syntax Highlighting with BAT

May 7, 2020
Terminal command cat is a standard tool to print file contents to the console. I use it all the time but recently I found bat and it changed my life!

Testing VSCode Extensions with Cypress and code-server

May 5, 2020
There are 4 steps involved in this setup and I’ll explain in detail how to do it.
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