LogoJuan Manuel Allo Ron

Programming posts

Programming posts by Juan Manuel Allo Ron
Side to side visual differences between the command cat and bat

Tip: Syntax Highlighting with BAT

May 7, 2020
Terminal command cat is a standard tool to print file contents to the console. I use it all the time but recently I found bat and it changed my life!
Canva.com main editor

Create Quick and Stunning graphs

Apr 28, 2020
How to use canva to create designs, logos and much more

Weekly Digest #6: Learning Git from novice to expert

Apr 26, 2020
Recently I have been helping to create content to onboard new developers. One of the topics I prepared was Git. I have been using git for more than 12 years, and while doing research I was surprised to learn new things. So I decided to share some useful links with everyone.

Weekly Digest #5: 100 days of code

Apr 19, 2020
100 days of code was started by Alexander Kallaway in 2016 but recently it has been gaining more momentum (we all know why). Practice is the only way to master any discipline...
Two employees testing a web app

Thoughts on Snapshot Testing

Apr 14, 2020
Since I moved to react at work I have been using and trying different testing strategies and I wanted to share some thoughts and best practices around snapshot testing.

Partial Application made easy with ES6

Nov 12, 2018
In this post I will present a quick example on how ES6 can improve readability and help build code that is easier to maintain. Also, I will be exploring partial application, a nice technique to keep in your developer toolbox.

Teach Object Oriented Programming, the Steve Jobs way

Nov 9, 2015
A quote from Steve Jobs on Object Oriented Programming

@2025 Juan Manuel Allo Ron. All Rights reserved